139إجمالي المتعلمين المسجلين
Englishلغة الصوت
تصنيفات الفئة
{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
لوحة المناقشة هذه متاحة للمتعلمين المسجلين فقط.
Introduction to Hearing Challenges
Hearing loss can take a variety of forms. Learn about the causes and types of help (hearing aids, bone assist hearing aids, cochlear implants) offered by various providers. Along with the class, you’ll also receive helpful info about the resources available. What Will You Learn?
Discussion of types of hearing loss
Causes and helps (hearing aids, bone assist hearing aids, cochlear implants, offered by various providers.
Handout list for more possibilities to check out.
Discussion of types of hearing loss
Causes and helps (hearing aids, bone assist hearing aids, cochlear implants, offered by various providers.
Handout list for more possibilities to check out.
تفاصيل البرنامج
{{ session.minutes }} جلسة دقيقة
لا تسجيل
جلسة مسجلة
فئة حية
التبرع على أساس
Lutheran Women's Missionary League يتعلم أكثر
التبرع المقترح
حول Cheryl Nolte
Cheryl Nolte
54+ years lip reading training, including over 5 years of lip reading instructing; 15+ years hearing challenge advisor and advocate. As a coach, I specialize in helping people, who have hearing challenges to fully enjoy life.
My areas of expertise include...
المتعلمين (139)
مشاهدة الكلتم نسخ الرابط
تم نسخ ارتباط لهذه الصفحة إلى الحافظة الخاصة بك!
تم نسخ الرابط
تم نسخ ارتباط لهذه الصفحة إلى الحافظة الخاصة بك!